JOHOR BARU (April 28, 2013): Johor DAP deputy chief Norman Fernandez's call on Saturday to non-Malays not to vote for PAS which is hell bent on creating an Islamic state, has drawn mixed reactions from both sides of the divide.
Fernandez, in a blog posting at, had said that as a non-Muslim, he will not be voting for PAS.
"PAS's insistence and open pronouncement of its unilateral stand will once again come to haunt PAS and non-Muslims, now knowing of PAS's agenda, must decide if they want to gamble and risk their future with PAS," he wrote.
"PAS has made the implementation of hudud as its holy grail. Despite assuring non-muslims that hudud will not be applicable to non-Muslims, PAS leaders such as Datuk Hadi Awang has obviously forgotten that he is on record stating that non-Muslims will also be subjected to hudud," Fernandez added.
The MCA immediately declared itself vindicated as it claims Fernandez's statement proves that "a vote for DAP, is a vote for PAS".
MCA president Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek publicly congratulated Fernandez for his bravery in speaking out the truth.
"He upholds justice and supports what has been said all this while by MCA, which is that non-Muslims have to be careful before voting for PAS," Chua told a press conference today.
Chua said Fernandez had pointed out that DAP and PAS are close allies, and that the latter will not so easily give up its "mission" to implement hudud.
"Coming from a senior DAP leader... It carries a lot of weight. (This means) that a vote for DAP is a vote for PAS," he said, hitting the table for emphasis.
Chua said people have accused the MCA of 'spinning' the hudud issue, but now with Fernandez's statements, he hopes the Chinese community will "open its eyes".
He also challenged DAP to sack Fernandez if what he had written is untrue.
On Saturday, PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali reiterated the party's determination on the issue, saying it will not waver from its "Islamic state" agenda and implementation of hudud law.
He stressed, however, that hudud is only PAS's agenda and not that of the Pakatan Rakyat, adding that its implementation is not automatic if the coalition becomes the federal government.
In an immediate response, Johor DAP chief Dr Boo Cheng Hau chided Fernandez for his article, which was described as "ill-timed".
"He should be careful when issuing such statements at this time as it will cause confusion," Boo told a press conference this morning, but declined to elaborate further.
In Penang, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the party will leave it to the Johor DAP leadership to decide on the next course of action in dealing with Fernandez.
"This is his own view and is not that of the party," said Lim.
He urged the public to continue supporting Pakatan Rakyat in the general election.
"If you see PAS (logo), vote for PAS, if DAP, vote for DAP, if PKR vote for PKR," Lim said.
PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub also dismissed the statement as being Fernandez's personal view.
"It will not affect the solidarity and understanding among top Pakatan Rakyat leaders, nor will it jeopardise grassroots support for the coalition in Johor.
"I don't think there will be any impact. We are all focused and united towards achieving the same goal," Salahuddin said.
He said it is normal for "friends" to have differences in opinion and it is something accepted by top leaders from both PAS and DAP.
"Even a married couple will have occasions when they disagree with one another ... let alone in politics," said Salahuddin, who has been named as Pakatan Rakyat's candidate for Johor mentri besar should it wrest control of the state government from Barisan Nasional.