Jumaat, 22 November 2013
Selangor Bila Lagi??

Johor dah buat,Selangor,Pulau Pinang dan Kelantan taknak ikut ke..Johor negeri yang diterajui oleh Barisan Nasional dah laksanakan.Bila negeri naungan Pakatan nak buat lak??
Sedarlah Pas
Takkanlah Pas sekarang baru nak sedar DAP memang tidak pernah menghormati Pas. Bagi cauvinis rasis extremis ini, Pas hanyalah keldai tunggangan untuk mengelabui mata umat Melayu-Islam, alat untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan Melayu-Islam Umno, itu sahaja.
Kalau hakikat itu pun Pas belum sedar lagi, memang dah parah penyakit angau !
Jadi kepada perwakilan dan muktamirin Pas, undilah kaum pro Anwarinas, bagilah mereka menang besar. Kalahkan kaum pro agamawan, campak dema jauh-jauh macam mereka campak Nasharuddin Mat Isa, dan buang macam sampah macam mana mereka buang Datuk Dr. Hasan Ali.
Selamat bermuktamar!
Wallahua’alam dan Wassalam.
Laporan Audit:Cari Hingga Lubang Cacing
Seramai 39 penjawat awam termasuk pesara bakal berdepan tindakan sivil atau jenayah jika didapati bertanggungjawab terhadap ketidakaturan yang didedahkan oleh Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2012.
Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa berkata, mereka yang meliputi 30 penjawat awam dan sembilan pesara itu diberi surat tunjuk sebab untuk menjelaskan tahap penglibatan atau kecuaian mereka dalam ketidakaturan berkenaan.
Jika siasatan lanjut mendapati mereka terbabit, tindakan sivil atau jenayah akan diambil bergantung kepada jenis kecuaian atau perlanggaran yang dilakukan, katanya dalam sidang media, di sini hari ini.
Menurut Ali seramai tujuh penjawat awam lagi akan dikenakan tindakan tatatertib manakala sembilan didapati tidak terlibat dalam salah laku berkenaan.
"Maklumat ini adalah hasil siasatan ke atas 24 kes yang dibuka dan disiasat oleh 13 jawatankuasa siasatan khas yang ditubuhkan sebelum ini," katanya.
Pembentukan jawatankuasa itu yang dipengerusikan oleh Ali diumum oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak ketika membentangkan Bajet 2014, bertujuan menyiasat dan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap salah laku penjawat awam susulan pelbagai teguran dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2012.
Dalam laporan itu, sebanyak 319 teguran dibuat membabitkan 81 perkhidmatan awam persekutuan, 21 badan berkanun serta 217 peringkat kerajaan negeri.
Daripada jumlah itu, 94 teguran membabitkan penyelewengan, penyalahgunaan kuasa, salah laku dan kecuaian dalam melaksanakan tugas.
Mengulas lanjut, Ali berkata susulan laporan itu juga sebanyak 12 kertas siasatan membabitkan projek dan perolehan di tujuh agensi dibuka oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia.
Selain itu, semua ketua setiausaha kementerian dan setiausaha kerajaan negeri sudah diarah menubuhkan jawatankuasa siasatan dalaman bagi meneliti kes yang tidak disiasat oleh jawatankuasa siasatan khas.
"Mereka diberi masa sebulan sehingga 30 November ini untuk menjalankan siasatan dan setakat semalam sebanyak 817 pegawai sudah disiasat," kata beliau.
"Sekiranya wujud asas kukuh bahawa pegawai didapati melakukan salah laku dan kecuaian, maka tindakan tatatertib/surcaj/pertuduhan jenayah di mahkamah akan dikenakan," tegas beliau.
Dalam perkembangan lain, Ali berkata sebanyak 100 skim perkhidmatan yang tidak terlibat dalam kajian tahun ini telah dikenal pasti untuk dikaji mulai awal tahun depan.
"Proses penambahbaikan skim perkhidmatan ini adalah berterusan untuk memastikan semua selesai menjelang pertengahan 2015," katanya.
Izzah VS GST
Kerajaan Barisan Nasional jelas tidak ikhlas dalam pelaksanaan Cukai Barang dan Perkhidmatan (GST), malah kelihatan seperti menggunakan tipu helah untuk mengaburkan pelaksanaan ini di dalam Bajet 2013 yang baru dibentang minggu lalu.
Menteri Kewangan jelas ingin meyakinkan sektor kewangan bahawa kerajaan persekutuan mampu untuk meneruskan pentadbiran yang dipenuhi ketirisan dan budaya rasuah tanpa melakukan islah dan reformasi yang menyeluruh ke atas struktur ekonomi yang dipenuhi budaya kronisme.
Pada masa yang sama, beliau juga sedar dengan pelaksanaan satu cukai penggunaan yang baru dan menyeluruh ke atas rakyat yang tidak mampu menanggungnya adalah satu langkah yang penuh liku.
Ko risau ke Izzah nanti kalau ko bli barang mahal-mahal kena GST?Ko bukan risau pasal rakyat tapi pasal diri sendiri sebenarnya..!!
Pas mainkan isu GST pulak

Sibuk mainkan isu GST pula..Berjayakah Pas kali ini..Tunggu dan lihat sahaja.
Anwar berdolak dalih lagi
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menegaskan Umno-Barisan Nasional semakin terdesak apabila memainkan isu Hudud dan Negara Islam dengan tujuan menyemai kesangsian kaum dan agama.Anwar Ibrahim juga mendakwa bahawa pakatan pembangkang mencerminkan politik konsensus. Hairan kerana setahu kita, 'konsensus' membawa maksud persetujuan bersama dan tidak seperti pertengkaran hebat yang berlaku di antara PAS dan DAP.
"Cubaan keji secara ugutan dan menghasut persengketaan agama dan etnik ini merupakan cubaan terdesak untuk mengalih perhatian rakyat dari isu-isu rasuah dan penyalahgunaan kuasa.
Manakala, maksud 'bersetuju untuk tidak bersetuju' bukanlah satu konsensus yang tepat.
Malah, kenyataan Anwar mengenai pakatan pembangkang yang 'berpegang kepada perlembagaan menjamin kedudukan Islam di samping kebebasan agama lain, memelihara Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa Ibunda, mendaulatkan institusi Raja-raja dan keistimewaan Melayu- bumiputera' adalah sekadar ulangan kepada aspirasi UMNO dan BN yang berjuang mempertahankan nilai perlembagaan negara sejak merdeka dulu.
Malah, Anwar sepatutnya bersyukur kerana pemfokusan terhadap isu moral dan sokongan beliau kepada keselamatan negara Israel sebelum ini turut sejuk dan tidak lagi dibicarakan dek pertengkaran di antara DAP dan PAS.
Maka sebenarnya, pihak yang terdesak untuk mengalih perhatian rakyat ialah pakatan pembangkang yang dikepalai oleh Anwar Ibrahim. Kita perlu ingat sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa hukum 'bersetuju untuk tidak bersetuju' telah memudaratkan parti DAP dan PAS di PRU.
Dan selagi parti PAS dan DAP tidak serius menyelesaikan masaalah fundamental ini, selagi itu juga rakyat tidak akan lagi percaya kepada mereka.
PRU13 nanti adalah masanya untuk rakyat menghukum kedua-dua parti tersebut.
Mahfuz buat lawak
Pesuruhjayanya, Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata, perkara itu berlaku kerana pengundi Dun Sungai Limau mungkin terpengaruh atau tertipu kononnya yang bertanding itu adalah Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, yang merupakan Menteri Besar Kedah, bukan calon BN.
Sehubungan itu, Mahfuz meminta supaya Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) menjelaskan siapa 'calon BN' yang bertanding di Dun Sungai Limau.
"Saya nak SPR beri penjelasan siapakah yang bertanding, adakah Mukhriz ataupun Dr Ahmad Sohami Lazim?
'Apakah untuk mendapatkan populariti kononnya seolah-olah Mukhriz lebih popular berbanding calon BN yang tidak popular. Jadi, untuk menawan hati dan pemikiran pengundi-pengundi, maka digunakan gambar Mukhriz seolah-olah calon yang bertanding di Dun Sungai Limau adalah Mukhriz,” katanya.
Di bawah adalah jawapan SPR :
Sementara itu, SPR menegaskan tiada halangan bagi mana-mana parti politik untuk meletakkan gambar pemimpin parti selain dari gambar calon yang bertanding.
Timbalan Pengerusinya, Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar berkata, perkara tersebut sudahpun dijelaskan, dibincangkan dan dipersetujui pada PRU13 dengan semua parti politik yang bertanding.
Dasar SPR benarkan gambar pemimpin seperti PM, MB, pemimpin utama Pas seperti Datuk nik Aziz Nik Mat, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang (Presiden Pas)
"Saya harap Datuk Mahfuz tidak perlu bangkitkan isu ini. Tiada yang mengelirukan. Pas boleh letak gambar pemimpin mereka, gambar Datuk Mahfuz pun boleh,” katanya
'Promote Islam via Pakatan framework'
Pas Youth executive councillor Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden yesterday said the party, through concerted efforts to promote Islam, could convince more non-Muslims, including DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, to convert to the faith.
Afnan, who is also Pas Penang Youth secretary, said the Islamist party must continuously work to promote a better understanding of the religion via Pakatan framework.
"We, including myself, have a dream, that Lim Guan Eng, the chief minister of Penang, will one day recite the Kalimah Syahadah," Afnan said referring to the statement of faith that must be recited when an individual converts to Islam.
Afnan said this when responding to a question raised during the debate on Pas Youth's annual report at its 54th Muktamar (annual general assembly) here for the movement to do more in winning support among the non-Muslims.
Read more: 'Promote Islam via Pakatan framework' - General - New Straits
Pas mulls DAP, PKR ties
Pas, whose main agenda is to turn Malaysia into an Islamic theocratic state and implement hudud, will have a lot to ponder about its alliance with DAP and PKR at its 56th Muktamar (annual assembly) yesterday.
The contentious issue was the chink in Pakatan's armour in the run-up to the general election in May, with DAP leaders denouncing hudud and PKR opting to sit on the fence in favour of political expediency.
Hudud has driven a deep wedge between Pas and DAP. This led Pas to put the issue on the back-burner and delay its quest to form an Islamic state in Malaysia.
Realising it was unable to hold its own against Barisan Nasional, Pas could ill afford to offend its coalition partners and risk extinguishing hopes of capturing Putrajaya.
The past five years have been a tormenting period for Pas, especially at the grassroots level, as it juggled between pleasing party hardliners and appeasing its strange bedfellows within the loose opposition pact.
Following Pas' less than stellar performance in GE13, where it lost the Kedah government to BN and won only 21 parliamentary seats compared with 23 in 2008, its influential ulama faction coolly pinned the blame on PKR.
Pas' failure to retain Kedah, where Malays make up 75 per cent of the 1.04 million registered voters, is a clear sign the community is beginning to distance itself from the party.
BN put Pas deputy president Mohamad Sabu, or Mat Sabu, in a tight spot after he was defeated in the Pendang parliamentary seat.
Pas vice-president Salahuddin Ayub, tasked with cracking BN's fortress in Johor, lost the Nusajaya state seat.
The defeat of these two top Pas leaders and other candidates in the Malay-majority constituencies compelled it to revisit its position within the Pakatan fold.
A month after the general polls, Pas ulama chief Datuk Harun Taib sent shockwaves by declaring Pas needed to gauge the pros and cons of its marriage of convenience, particularly with PKR.
His assertion was in line with the opinion of certain factions in Pas who had blamed PKR for the Pas' relatively poor showing in GE13.
Harun said Pas' participation in "Blackout 505" rally proved the dominance of the so-called "Anwarinas" faction in Pas.
His call sent signals to the grassroots to weed out Anwarinas -- those associated with PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim -- in this party elections.
He also said Pas had compromised many of its principles to appease its partners, which translated into a loss of its support among Malays, particularly in the rural areas.
The simmering tension between the party's ulamas and Anwarinas was evident when Pas Dewan Ulama big guns kept a distance from the Sungai Limau by-election campaign last month.
The infighting between the two factions reached new heights when Pas vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar, seen as a main figure in the Anwarinas faction, was appointed Kedah Pas commissioner and to take charge of the party machinery in the Sungai Limau by-election.
This week, Penang Pas had apparently begun to unspool its ropey ties with DAP, threatening to withdraw from the DAP-led state government for its "unreasonable interference" in administration of Islamic affairs.
State Pas deputy commissioner Muhammad Fauzi Yusoff said besides sidelining Penang Pas, the state government did not appreciate the party's contributions to ensure the people, especially Malays, continued to support Pakatan in Penang. This will not bode well for Pas' rocky relationship with DAP
Read more: Pas mulls DAP, PKR ties - General - New Straits Times
Sex bloggers lose bid
The High Court here yesterday denied the application by controversial sex bloggers known as Alvivi to strike out the charge of causing religious enmity.
Judge Kamardin Hashim ruled there was no merit in their application under Section 298A(1) of the Penal Code.
Previously, Alvin Tan Jye Yee, 25, and his Singaporean girlfriend Vivian Lee May Ling, 24, filed an application to strike out the charge under the section.
Their intention was to seek a declaration that Section 298A(1) of the Penal Code was inconsistent and contradicted with the Federal Constitution and legally void.
Read more: Sex bloggers lose bid - General - New Straits Times
Berani buat beranilah tanggung..
'No plan to impose 12-year car age cap'
THE government does not have plans to set a lifespan cap for vehicles as such a move will burden the rakyat.
Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi said there were no plans by the government to introduce such regulations.
"The proposal may be a finding by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros), but the government does not have plans to introduce the cap," he said yesterday.
He was replying to a supplementary question from Sim Tze Tzin (PKR-Bayan Baru) who asked whether the ministry would be implementing the suggestion from Miros to set a 12-year age cap for vehicles on the road.
The proposal was mooted when Miros revealed that vehicles aged above 12 years were considered "less safe" and could pose risks to road users.
He also said the government had taken a number of steps to reduce road tax for vehicles with lower motor capacity including by bringing down road tax for vehicles below 1,000cc from RM30 to RM20 in 2009.
"For vehicles with a capacity of 1,400cc to 1,600cc, the rate was reduced to RM90 in 2009 compared with RM127 in 2007 and RM254 in 2005."
To a supplementary question from Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said (BN-Pengerang) who asked if the ministry would introduce tax exemptions based on the amount of carbon dioxide emission by a vehicle, Aziz said the government had no such plans.
"The government will refer to the Finance Ministry on this."
To an earlier question from Azalina, Aziz said the last standardisation involving road tax was done via the 2012 Budget, which saw road tax for taxis and rental cars of RM20 being removed and a RM2 device charge imposed.
Read more: 'No plan to impose 12-year car age cap' - General - New Straits
Pembangkang tak yah risau lagi.Tak jadi pun..huhu
'Tuhan Harun' leader warded
Barely 24 hours after being arrested, elusive "Tuhan Harun" sect leader Harun Mat Saat was taken to Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital (HTAA) here yesterday after suffering "stroke-like" symptoms.
Deputy district police chief Superintendent Abdul Aziz Ahmad said Harun, 47, was taken to the hospital about 2.30pm after complaining about uneasiness while being detained in the police lock-up.
"Several detainees who were sharing the cell with Harun informed police that he had complained of pain believed to be caused by urinary problems. He was also frothing from the mouth.
"An ambulance rushed him to HTAA for treatment and checks revealed that it could be related to a stroke. He has been warded for further observation," he told the New Straits Times yesterday.
Aziz said police personnel would be stationed outside the ward to keep a close watch on Harun, adding that they would wait for the doctor's advice before bringing him back to the police lock-up.
In Kuala Lumpur, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said police were investigating other groups, apart from the "Tuhan Harun" deviant sect, for possible involvement in the murder of Pahang Islamic Religious Department (Jaip) enforcement chief Ahmad Rafli Abdul Malek.
However, the rest of Harun Mat Saad's followers who have yet to surrender themselves to police are still on the wanted list to facilitate investigations.
Khalid said police had widened the scope of investigations into the Nov 10 shooting incident.
"Now, we are not only looking at the 'Tuhan Harun' sect, but other deviant groups as well," he said at the Police Training Centre yesterday.
Khalid said four people from the sect, including its leader Harun, were arrested as they had failed to come forward.
He said the same action would be taken against other members of the group should they also fail to surrender.
It is learnt that the police are looking for 19 members of the group, who were arrested by Jaip in April.
Police had obtained a week-long remand order against Harun, his third wife Azida Mohd Zol, 30, and driver Nor Hairi Harun, 41, yesterday.
In Johor Baru, checks by the NST found that Harun had been hiding in a rented house in Ledang (Tangkak) for two weeks prior to his arrest.
Read more: 'Tuhan Harun' leader warded - General - New Straits
Sekejap sahaja Allah SWT nak tarik nikmat yang diberi.
100 govt schemes to be reviewed
The government will review another 100 civil service schemes early next year, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa said.
He said such reviews needed to be conducted regularly to ensure the public sector had competent human capital in line with achieving the nation's aspirations.
"Stakeholders, such as department heads and Cuepacs, along with the Joint National Council, will be consulted," he said yesterday.
Ali said the study involved service schemes not reviewed this year.
He added the improvement of the public service scheme was expected to be completed by mid-2015, with 81 improvements made this year and another 100 early next year.
Ali said the improvements were in line with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's 2014 Budget announcement of 81 improved service schemes to retain the best talent in the public sector, and boosting the career path of public officials.
Read more: 100 govt schemes to be reviewed - General - New Straits
Harapan adalah perubahan untuk skim-skim yang dah nazak ..Contoh skim pembantu penerbitan.
Catatan (Atom)