DAP national chairman Karpal Singh yesterday stressed that the party did not have a meeting with PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat at a hotel in Penang on Jan 28 where the issue of the usage of "Allah" was discussed, contrary to reports by an English daily.
"Consequently, the question of Nik Aziz having explained the matter and the (PAS) Syura Council's decision (on the "Allah" usage) to the DAP and the issue having been settled cannot arise," he said in a statement.
He noted that the daily had quoted PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang as saying that the "kalimah Allah" issue had been settled between PAS and DAP through the alleged meeting.
"I had not stated at any time that there was a meeting between me or the DAP leadership with Nik Aziz at a hotel in Penang. I had stated that the issue of 'kalimah Allah' was not discussed between me and Nik Aziz when he called at my residence on Jan 27," Karpal said.
He expressed regret that the daily has not printing a correction despite his clarification to the relevant writer.
The issue of the use of "Allah" among non-Muslims has been a point of contention between DAP and PAS.
Karpal said DAP's stand on the issue remains as that stated during the Jan 8 press conference by Hadi Awang, PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, which stated that Islam does not restrict non-Muslims from using "Allah" in their religious practices, but it must not be misused to create confusion among Muslims.
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